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CFP: "Aesthetics and Gender": Paper submission date extension.

Due to the large number of requests we have extended the deadline for full paper submissions to the issue "Aesthetics and Gender". All authors who have not yet submitted their manuscripts are invited to submit up to Monday 30th November.
więcej o CFP: "Aesthetics and Gender": Paper submission date extension.

CFP: “Hermeneutics and Art”

Editors: Editors: Jean Grondin (Université de Montréal, Canada) and Dominika Czakon (Jagiellonian University, Poland); deadline for submissions: 15 May 2016.
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CFP: “Aesthetics and Gender”

Editors: Carolyn Korsmeyer (University at Buffalo, New York) and Natalia Anna Michna (Jagiellonian University); deadline for submissions: 15th November 2015.
więcej o CFP: “Aesthetics and Gender”

We are currently preparing

Interdisciplinary volume devoted to philosophy, aesthetics and the art of love
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