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Nr 56 (1/2020)

Nr 56 (1/2020)

Literature and the Problem of Evil

Pliki do pobrania
Informacje o tomie i spis treści / About the volume and table of contents
Adriana Warmbier, Introduction
Michał Bizoń, Aesthetic Ethics without Evil. Aischron in Greek Popular Ethics
Krzysztof Mech, The Master and Margarita: Satan, Savior from Evil
Kimberly Young, Ivan Karamazov’s Euclidean Mind: the ‘Fact’ of Human Suffering and Evil
Virgil W. Brower, Hyde within the Boundaries of Mere Jekyll: Strange Cases of Evil in Kant & Stevenson
Miłosz Puczydłowski, The Ontology of Evil and Its Anthropological Moment of Freedom in Pär Lagerkvist’s The Dwarf and Plotinus’ Enneads (I.VII-VIII)
Maciej Michalski, Literature of Absence and the Experience of Evil (Container by Marek Bieńczyk, Is Not by Mariusz Szczygieł, and Things I Didn’t Throw Out by Marcin Wicha)
Noty o Autorach / Notes on Authors
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